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Our specialist defamation solicitors can help you to protect your reputation and defamation claims. Contact our defamation solicitor in Levenshulme, Manchester.

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Expert Defamation Solicitors in Manchester

It can take a lifetime to build your reputation – yet it can be destroyed in less than a minute!
This situation has been exacerbated by the speed of online publications and social media alongside traditional media outlets.
At United Solicitors, we know exactly what to do, and we are here to help you do it. Helping to restore the damage is what our specialist team does best, so you know you can trust us to make things right.

If you need legal advice or assistance with your breach of contract related matter, please contact our expert dispute resolution solicitor in Levenshulme, Manchester.

What is Defamation?

Defamation occurs when a statement that refers to an identifiable legal person is published to a third party that has caused or is likely to cause serious harm to the identified person’s reputation.

Serious harm to reputation is capable of being inferred from the words published. It is for the Claimant to show serious harm to reputation. The starting point is that the statements complained of are accepted as being false – it is open to the defendant to argue that the statements complained of are true, but the burden is on the defendant to show this.

What is Slander?

Slander refers to a temporary publication, usually spoken words, but it can also extend to other forms of expression that are not recorded permanently.

What is Libel?

Unlike slander which is transient in form, libel is permanent and usually refers to written words.

Who do I sue for libel or slander and what if I do not know the identity of the publisher?

You can sue any person/entity who published the defamatory statements or caused them to be published. This includes publishing companies and their editors.

What is the time limit for bringing a defamation claim?

One year from the date of the publication. This time limit will only be disapplied in exceptional circumstances. The Court expects defamation claims to be brought quickly if genuine reputational harm has been suffered.

Do I have to take the matter to court?

This depends on the complexity of the case. While litigation is always an option, we believe that it should be avoided whenever possible. Our pragmatic approach allows us to explore and exhaust other avenues – making litigation the last resort.

How much will it cost?

From day one, we will seek to give you outstanding value and keep costs to a minimum. We can discuss with you and offer a range of funding options that may be appropriate to your particular case. Our aim is to ease as much stress and anguish as possible, our team will be on hand to provide support throughout the process.

Why choose us?

We help thousands of clients per year and we will work hard to restore your reputation. We will give you clear, jargon-free advice and guidance so you can be in complete control of your case.

How long will it take to resolve?

The answer varies depending on the nature and complexity of the case. From the outset, we will give you clear advice and ensure that you are kept fully informed of any issues that may arise when trying to resolve your dispute.

Get Fast, Professional, and Affordable Dispute Resolution Services

At United Solicitors we have a team of lawyers who specialise in dispute resolution – to that end, if you have a dispute with anyone, call us on 01612258181, or contact us and we’ll be happy to call and discuss your situation without obligation. You can book an appointment with our team of dispute resolution solicitors in Manchester.
